jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Blogs Catolicos



Los 200 blogs católicos más populares (o casi)

Un norteamericano se ha molestado en recopilar y ordenar los datos sobre los blogs católicos que más suscriptores tienen en Google Reader. Esto nos da una idea sobre la popularidad de esos blogs, así que me ha parecido interesante recoger la lista en el blog (para seguir los enlaces, conviene ir a la lista original). Y aún me parecería más interesante si los lectores diesen su opinión sobre algunos de ellos, recomendándolos o criticándolos.
Por supuesto, sólo es una aproximación a los blogs católicos más populares, ya que, como dato del estudio, sólo se han considerado los blogs incluidos en el Directorio de Blogs Católicos, que es una herramienta útil pero abarca sólo a una pequeña parte de los blogs católicos del mundo. Si el estudio fuera más completo, estoy seguro de que se incluirían, por ejemplo, varios blogs de InfoCatólica (ninguno de los cuales, si no me equivoco, se puede encontrar en dicho Directorio).
Como dato curioso, señalaré que sólo hay tres blogs en español en la lista (el primero de los cuales, Fotos Cofrades, se dedica únicamente a recoger fotos preciosas de la Semana Santa sevillana). Y también que el blog más popular es uno dedicado a la liturgia antigua, el blog del Padre Z. Entre mis favoritos están Standing on my Head (el octavo), Creative Minority Report (el sexto), Canterbury Tales (el trigésimo sexto) y Fr. Hunwicke’s Liturgical Notes (el octogésimo).
Quid vobis videtur?

(1) What Does the Prayer Really Say?: 4841
(2) Whispers in the Loggia: 4685
(3) Charlotte Was Both: 3053
(4) Conversion Diary: 1817
(5) New Advent Blog: 1429
(6) Creative Minority Report: 1248
(7) Patrick Madrid: 1173
(8) Standing on my Head: 1156
(9) The Hermeneutic of Continuity: 1053
(10) Damian Thompson: 954
(11) Rorate Caeli: 933
(12) The New Liturgical Movement: 892
(13) Ask Sister Mary Martha: 867
(14) Mere Comments: 811
(15) Catholic and Enjoying It!: 796
(16) Ignatius Insight Scoop: 749
(17) By Sun and Candlelight: 712
(18) Catholic Cuisine: 648
(19) The Shrine of the Holy Whapping: 643
(20) Testosterhome: 638
(21) Happy Catholic: 607
(22) The Crescat: 573
(23) Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!: 521
(24) Shower of Roses: 481
(25) Wildflowers and Marbles: 474
(26) Faith & Family: 460
(27) Prof. Felipe Aquino: 451
(28) dotCommonweal: 446
(29) Minnesota Mom: 438
(30) Kicking and Screaming: 437
(31) Danielle Bean: 428
(32) Nadafarm: 423
(33) Tea at Trianon: 391
(34) Waltzing Matilda: 388
(34-tie) The Way of the Fathers: 388
(36) Sonitus Sanctus: 381
(37) Canterbury Tales: 376
(38) Catholic Fire: 372
(39) June Cleaver After a Six Pack: 366
(40) The Good Word: 361
(40-tie) In All Things: 361
(42) JimmyAkin.org: 360
(43) Catholic News Service Blog: 349
(43-tie) St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton, UK: 349
(45) Why I Am Catholic: 331
(46) Aggie Catholics: 328
(47) Catholic Church Conservation: 312
(48) In Caritate Non Ficta: 309
(49) Cardinal Seán’s Blog: 308
(50) Acts of the Apostasy: 306
(51) Adoro Te Devote: 304
(52) Fotos Cofrades: 301
(53) De Cura Animarum: 300
(54) Orbis Catholicvs: 298
(54-tie) VIS News: 298
(56) Vultus Christi: 295
(57) Biblical Evidence for Catholicism: 289
(58) Catholic Answers LIVE: 286
(59) Karen Edmisten: 282
(60) Betty Beguiles: 278
(60-tie) Orthometer: 278
(62) All You Who Hope: 277
(63) Small Treasures: 275
(64) Cottage Blessings: 271
(65) The Catholic Key: 270
(66) American Papist: 269
(67) American Catholic: 264
(68) Athanasius Contra Mundum: 262
(69) Holy Cards for Your Inspiration: 261
(70) Building Cathedrals: 259
(71) InsideCatholic.com: 258
(72) Vox Nova: 257
(73) La Bella Vita! Bella’s Beautiful Life: 255
(74) Laudator Temporis Acti: 254
(75) OSV Daily Take: 250
(76) Church of The Masses: 247
(77) Happy Hearts at Home: 244
(78) Roman Catholic Vocations: 243
(79) The Gospel in the Digital Age: 239
(80) Fr. Hunwicke’s Liturgical Notes: 235
(81) The Lion and the Cardinal: 233
(82) The Black Biretta: 232
(83) Mirror of Justice: 230
(84) And Sometimes Tea: 229
(84-tie) DarwinCatholic: 229
(84-tie) Roman Catholic Blog: 229
(87) The Apple Cider Mill: 228
(88) Ten Reasons: 226
(89) The Catholic Knight: 224
(90) The Lair of the Catholic Caveman: 223
(90-tie) Godzdogz: 223
(92) Byzantine, Tx: 215
(92-tie) Catholic Anarchy: 215
(92-tie) Mulier Fortis: 215
(95) The Teakettle Corner: 212
(96) Betty Duffy: 211
(97) Confessionário dum Padre: 210
(98) The Sacred Page: 205
(99) Under Her Starry Mantle: 201
(100) Santa Iglesia Militante: 196
(101) Pondered in My Heart: 194
(102) Andrew Cusack: 191
(103) Beautiful Chaos: 187
(104) A Minor Friar: 186
(105) A Casa de Sarto: 181
(105-tie) Sweetness and Light: 181
(107) Aussie Coffee Shop: 180
(107-tie) Tales from the Bonny Blue House: 180
(107-tie) The Philosopher Mom: 180
(110) Bonfire of the Vanities: 178
(110-tie) The Family-Centered Life: 178
(112) Momopoly: 177
(113) Te Deum Laudimus; Te Deum Confitemur: 176
(114) Catholic Eye Candy: 175
(114-tie) Sew Infertile: 175
(116) House Art Journal: 174
(117) The Deacon’s Bench: 173
(117-tie) The Ironic Catholic: 173
(119) A Catholic Mom in Hawaii: 171
(119-tie) Professor Bainbridge.com: 171
(121) Archdiocese of Washington: 168
(121-tie) Blest Atheist: 168
(123) Adrienne’s Catholic Corner: 167
(124) Return to Rome: 165
(125) Saint Louis Catholic: 163
(126) Thoughts of a Regular Guy: 157
(127) The Western Confucian: 156
(128) Just Thomism: 155
(129) Auntie Joanna Writes: 154
(129-tie) Secretum Meum Mihi: 154
(131) USCCB Media Blog: 150
(131-tie) Sub Tuum: 150
(133) PhatCatholic Apologetics: 149
(134) Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit: 148
(135) McNamara’s Blog: 147
(136) Nunblog: 143
(137) A Catholic Life: 142
(138) A Nun’s Life: 141
(138-tie) Catholic-Hierarchy News: 141
(138-tie) Vivificat: 141
(141) Unstoppable Spirit: 140
(141-tie) Totus Tuus Family & Catholic Homeschool: 140
(143) Adam’s Ale: 139
(143-tie) Da Mihi Animas: 139
(145) My Adventures into Christian Homeschooling 2: 138
(145-tie) Mirabilis.ca: 138
(145-tie) PrayTell - Worship, Wit & Wisdom: 138
(148) A Concord Pastor Comments: 137
(148-tie) Servant and Steward: 137
(150) Young Fogeys: 134
(151) This, That, and the Other Thing: 133
(151-tie) A Jesuit’s Journey: 133
(153) A Catholic View: 132
(153-tie) Valle Adurni: 132
(155) Shoved to Them: 130
(156) Thinking Faith: 129
(157) Southern Appeal: 128
(158) Abbey Roads: 127
(158-tie) Another Espresso Please: 127
(158-tie) True Confessions of a Prodigal Daughter: 127
(158-tie) PrincipiumUnitatis: 127
(162) Clerical Whispers: 126
(162-tie) The Cranky Professor: 126
(162-tie) Mary Meets Dolly: 126
(165) Take the Poor with You: 125
(165-tie) The Recovering Dissident Catholic: 125
(167) Called by Name: 124
(168) Pro Ecclesia*Pro Familia*Pro Civitate: 123
(168-tie) Overheard in the Sacristy: 123
(170) Reditus: A Chronicle of Aesthetic Christianity: 122
(170-tie) Cosmos-Liturgy-Sex: 122
(170-tie) Musings of a Pertinacious Papist: 122
(170-tie) Castle of the Immaculate: 122
(174) Shouts in the Piazza: 121
(174-tie) Dominican Liturgy: 121
(176) Idle Speculations: 120
(176-tie) Courage Philippines: 120
(178) Big Blue Wave: 119
(178-tie) Eliana Ribeiro: 119
(180) Catechist’s Journey: 118
(181) Martin Family Moments: 116
(181-tie) Many Little Blessings: 116
(181-tie) Maureen Wittmann: 116
(184) Family in Feast and Feria: 114
(185) Whosoever Desires: 113
(186) Catholic Media Review: 112
(186-tie) Lisa’s Blog: 112
(188) Rosetta Stone: 110
(189) GODsTALKed: 109
(189-tie) Praying for Grace: 109
(189-tie) Jeremiah 29:11: 109
(192) Catholic Spiritual Direction: 108
(192-tie) This Cross I Embrace: 108
(194) Imprisoned in My Bones: 107
(194-tie) Gladdest Hours: 107
(194-tie) That the Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill: 107
(197) AtonementOnline: 105
(197-tie) Marquette Warrior: 105
(197-tie) St. John’s Valdosta Blog: 105
(197-tie) Unam Sanctam Catholicam: 105

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